access to a scsi scanner (canon dr 3060) on vmware workstation 4.5.2 (host:windows 2003, guest:windows 2000 server)
(too old to reply)
2004-12-01 08:59:38 UTC
I would like to drive a scsi canon dr 3060 scanner from a windows 2000
server vmware
The scanner is installed on the host PC, I can scan without problem
but it's impossible to access it from the vmware

I try to add a generic SCSI device (VM->Settings->Hardware...) , try
to install scanner driver from the vmware... but it does'nt work !

Thanks a lot for your answer
Spiro Trikaliotis
2004-12-03 08:23:50 UTC
Post by Laurent
I would like to drive a scsi canon dr 3060 scanner from a windows 2000
server vmware
VMWare gives you a virtual environment. You do not have access to the
devices which are attached to your machine, but only to the devices
VMWare emulates for you. So, there is no direct way to access your

The only things that might work:
- Devices which are connected to your host's serial port, parallel port,
USB port. Thus, a parallel port scanner might work (but I'm not
completely sure, as VMWare's parallel port is not ECP). A USB scanner
should work, IMHO.

- If your scanner has the ability for network access, you could set up
your VM is a network device, and access it from the network. For this
to work, either the scanner needs this ability, or you should have
some 3rd party tools which performs this access.

Spiro R. Trikaliotis