1280 x 800 screen resolution
(too old to reply)
Mario - Roma
2004-07-20 13:28:34 UTC
I realaze I should ask the question to Microsoft rather than to VMware,
however I hope that someboldy can help...
Running VMware on a Windws XP host on an HP notebook, I can't set the screen
resolution of the guest Windows 2000 VM to fit the screen resolution of the
host, that is 1280 x 800 due to the different form of the screen.
How can I add a new scrre resolution to the Windows 2000 guest?
Philip Freidin
2004-07-20 17:45:55 UTC
Post by Mario - Roma
I realaze I should ask the question to Microsoft rather than to VMware,
however I hope that someboldy can help...
Running VMware on a Windws XP host on an HP notebook, I can't set the screen
resolution of the guest Windows 2000 VM to fit the screen resolution of the
host, that is 1280 x 800 due to the different form of the screen.
How can I add a new scrre resolution to the Windows 2000 guest?
Hi Mario,

I think the following from a year ago might help you.

VMWare added it to their answer database as entry 1003
(without credit for my help)
Here is their insane long URL (probably wrapped)


Or just type 1003 into their site search, it is the first result.


====== From June 2003 ===============================================

Here is some information that may help someone. This is some email
that I sent to VMWare customer support.


ATTN: Helpful Support Person

Hi Helpful Support Person,

Thanks again for your continued support. This email
includes the results of my tests of your suggestions,
as well as the work around that I found works, and a
workaround for the task bar problem as well.

== Summary of problems:
== 1) W2000Pro Host and Guest, Host screen is 1600x1024
== VMWare Workstation 4.0 does not allow guest to select this resolution
== so available Full Screen views are not as desired. I.e. 1280x1024
== 2) If host and guest have task bar set to autohide, and the
== guest vertical height is the same as the host, and guest is
== in full screen mode, then when mouse is moved to bottom of screen,
== both guest and host task bars pop up, with host on top. Can't get
== to guest taskbar.
Post by Mario - Roma
Dear Philip Freidin,
While we wait for the Engineering to give us better control over the
resolutions in the guest, here is some information ( UNTESTED ) that may
help you.
Thanks for doing this research. I tested all 3 suggestions.
Post by Mario - Roma
Please note that I picked up this information from some windows resources on
the net and did not test it. So, please use it if you have some time to do
the testing.
Took a while to get to try them all, and you research motivated me
to do some further web research, and I found some additional
similar resources (for changing screen resolution from the command
line, or with a simple GUI).
Post by Mario - Roma
If you test this, I would appreciate if you can give me some
feedback about this.
Here it is.
Post by Mario - Roma
Since registry needs to be edited, take the usual precautions you take
while making changes to Windows registry.
Crossed my fingers, and hoped...
Post by Mario - Roma
1. You may want to go to
Profiles/Current/System/CurrentControlSet/SERVICES/<monitor name>/DEViCE0
and Change the DefaultSettings.XResolution and DefaultSettings.YResolution
and check whether it works for you.

the value for <monitor name> is VMX_SVGA

This does not work. These entries seem to have no effect. Regardless
of what value they are set to, when the

Display Properties -> Settings -> Screen Area

slider is adjusted, the values are not among the available selections.

Rebooting the system after these changes are made also does not change
the situation.

There are similar settings at the following location in the registry:


Changing these DefaultSettings.XResolution and
DefaultSettings.YResolution also had no effect, both before and after

In this section of the registry though, are the 11 entries that are
available in the Display Properties -> Settings -> Screen Area selection.

I then tried changing one of these to the desired resolution of 1600x1024.

This had no effect. After rebooting, the entry is restored to its original
value, so the driver must be writing these entries as the system is booted.

As it turns out, you can add a NEW entry, that does not get overwritten
when the system reboots, AND the driver accepts as a legal available
screen area size. I created a new entry with a name of Resolution.11
and a value of 1600x1024. The system needs to be rebooted before it becomes
available in the Display Properties -> Settings -> Screen Area selection.

Selecting this new value works as desired.

I was guided to this solution with some help from another user that I found
via the vmware.quest.windows2000 news group, Marcio Castilho.
Post by Mario - Roma
* Download VidRes from http://www.jddesign.freeserve.co.uk/vidres.htm which
lets you change resolution from the command line.
* Enter safe mode and install it
* Enter the command as a new value in
("vidres.exe /H640 /V480 /C256" - use the full path to the .exe)
This utility only allows you to select resolutions that are in the list
of available resolutions. Basically a command line replacement for using
Display Properties -> Settings -> Screen Area .
Post by Mario - Roma
3. Some additional info also available here
This didn't help.
Post by Mario - Roma
I look forward to hearing back from you.
I am glad to be reporting back that there was a good workaround.

My current workaround for the double taskbar problem is quite
simple. I have set my Guest screen area to 1600x1016. With this
setting, when the mouse is moved to the bottom of the guest screen,
only the guest's task bar is activated.

Thanks again for your support,

All the best,

Philip Freidin
Dave Walker
2004-07-20 18:35:30 UTC

Just try searching the VMWare knowledge base on their web site using
something like "Windows screen resolution" and you will find entries that
tell you how to do this.

Post by Mario - Roma
I realaze I should ask the question to Microsoft rather than to VMware,
however I hope that someboldy can help...
Running VMware on a Windws XP host on an HP notebook, I can't set the screen
resolution of the guest Windows 2000 VM to fit the screen resolution of the
host, that is 1280 x 800 due to the different form of the screen.
How can I add a new scrre resolution to the Windows 2000 guest?